This site provides a one stop shop for various groups/activities in Warkworth that are helping to look after the local environment. Warkworth is a large village in Northumberland, UK. It lies on the banks of the River Coquet, a short walk from the North Sea.
Various community groups have been established, details below. New group members are always welcome.
- Warkworth Green Matters: An over-arching group that initiates environmental actions in and around Warkworth.
- Warkworth and Amble Rivers Group: A local subsidiary of Coquet River Action Group (CRAG), a group looking at the quality of the River Coquet throughout its length.
- Litter Picking: Planning for organised litter picks in and around Warkworth. Now coming under the auspices of Green Matters.
- Warkworth in Bloom: A group looking after various planted areas within Warkworth.
- Eco Church: Developments at St Lawrence’s Church to encourage wildlife and plant diversity.